The CompleXion colour spectrophotometer scanner is the culmination of years of research into cosmetics formulation and application. CompleXion measures the way in which light is absorbed and reflected by the target area across the entire visible colour spectrum.
Multiple measurements may be taken, to ensure that the true colour is recorded. The resulting profile captures the true colour of the target in all lighting conditions, ensuring a perfect match from bright sunlight through to indoor lighting. CompleXion has an innovative wand design created especially for working with skin, it is easy to obtain an accurate scan without any specialist knowledge.
The CompleXion spectrophotometer will:
Complexion is a convenient, easy to use, spectrophotometer facial scanning wand designed to simplify colour matching of cosmetics to the customers skin tone. It ACCURATELY captures the true colour of the target in all lighting conditions, ensuring a perfect colour match from bright sunlight to indoor lighting.
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